Friday, December 21, 2007


I have been away for some time to work on the other blog. What fun it has been to go down memory lane. I can't tell you what a wonderful Christmas mood it has brought to me. I am the youngest of the 6 grandchildren. Needless to say I was a bit spoiled, but the family gatherings ended for me much sooner than the other cousins. But we have tried to keep some of the traditions going. This year I even made candy. I never have, it was always something my Grandma and Mom did. We sure did have a good time. I wasn't sure how I felt about being home this year. I almost felt guilty because we were, but then I became thankful and have embraced the holiday. I hope you too, are having a wonderful time wherever you are, just remembering the reason for the season. Not to sound cliche' but as missionaries even though we will be away at the holidays and it is hard... the whole reason we get to serve is because of this holiday. So next year remind me of this!!! If you haven't checked out some of my links these are some you should go to. Ray and Cristi in Costa Rica. Then click on adoption updates. Amazing story!!!!!! Of course I also would like you to check out A to Z Poems. A little family history and some great family photos.
Needless to say it has been a busy month with two birthdays and Christmas. But it is always a fun time of year. I just got my Christmas cards out today. I am running a little late. We had them printed 3 times and they are still not great. I have a devilish red eye that wouldn't go away. At least we have Jon's head in the picture this time. Great pictures, just the people printing them could not get it right.
Well almost done with shopping and now comes the wrapping. I better go get busy!!!!

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