Wednesday, August 30, 2006

School Days and more

You guessed it! It's the first day of school. For some reason the unusual cool weather steamed over the lens and this was the best picture out of all of them. Kent has a great class with two teachers this year. One teacher for Mon. Tues. Wed. and another for Thur. Fri. I think it will end up working out great. Just when the other teachers have had enough for the week Kent gets a fresh teacher for the end of it. Ethan's teacher is new this year but his response was that "she sure is pretty." I doubt he will have any problems. A completely better experience for them than last year. The school and teachers and the principle are very willing to work with us as we travel as well. What a blessing that is. And an answer to prayer. I am so glad that I don't have to home school this year. I of course realized this is the last year I will be getting school supplies from the states. Next year they will be starting school in Italy (Lord willing.) The time sure has gone by fast.

Another side note. The Lord is so good to us. We don't understand why Jon has to have this eye surgery and why He won't just heal the eye disease. BUT, Jon was able to reschedule about five churches and we did not lose a one. We are even headed out this weekend to OH to be in a church that evening. Labor Day weekend. That was very unexpected but we are very thankful that we are able to keep the appointments. Some may not understand why it would be so hard to just cancel. It is afterall his eyes. Well here is why. When Jon spends all day making upwards of 75-100 phone calls and may book one appointment he is giving up a weeks worth of work. So for it all to run so smoothly is a definite blessing.

We are getting ready to get the kids passports. I have the paperwork filled out. It has been a funny couple of weeks though. The boys passports have expired. And I hadn' t even sent for Natalie's birth certificate. ( She is three) Then I went to get their social security card numbers for the paper work and I have lost them even mine. ( little miss natalie has hid them and can't remember where. She loves my purse.) So I had the priviledge of going to the Social Security office today. They are now on their way. I at least can finish the paperwork. This is the part that has made me dread the whole process. Obtaining the VISAS. But just take it one step at a time that is what everyone keeps saying. Well enough for now. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute, handsome boys. They look so grown up. -Hillengrands