Thursday, April 09, 2009

Earthquake news

Words can't express how grateful we are to you for the concern and prayers you have lifted up on our behalf. We are grateful!! To those who are wondering we were with in 70 miles of the Earthquake and felt the tremor and the aftershock. There have been so many stories to tell of those who have been affected by this tragedy.

On Monday we drove up to the site and saw first hand the rubble and the people. It was sobering! What a mess! What an opportunity! I WISH WE KNEW MORE OF THE LANGUAGE!!!! AHHHH. God knows.

The church we are attending here in Rome has a sister church in the city of L'Aquila. The pastor and his family lost their home and the church. They are now living at a campsite several miles away. We are grateful for their safety but they are in the need of EVERYTHING...We are planning to go up there to help them and then reach out to others thru them. (they know the language, the people, etc.) Please pray for Georgio and his family.

If you feel compelled to give to this cause please do. We would love your involvement and so would the people of Italy.


Shilo said...

I was wondering about you guys! So glad to hear you are safe and that God is using you to reach out to those affected!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bec--you ought to call Bro Hamm in CO and he will put it out on email worldwide. Have them send monies through BBFI office for Italy fund. You can also just email hima at Liles